Self-care is Only Complete When You Repair Inside and Out

Dr. Ken Wang, Clinical Psychologist


Nourish Yourself

As the years have gone by, from hearing many people’s personal stories I have developed a deep conviction that physical and spiritual maintenance is the key to having good quality of life.


From a physical and psychological perspective, one’s emotional state and outward appearance are often two sides of the same coin: the outward appearance is the manifestation of the inward state. Emotions or self-confidence are often expressed outwardly, which builds the impression that you project to others and to yourself. Eat pure, healthy food, drink enough water, and take time to be out in nature. Check if your thoughts and beliefs are pragmatic yet optimistic. Pursue simultaneous physical and spiritual growth. Connect to a higher power. These are all important aspects of nourishing yourself.


Taking Care of Your Inner Self

If you feel like something is not right with yourself, stop and take some time with yourself. Are you over-burdening yourself with negative emotions? Are you unconsciously trying to evade some responsibility? Maybe, you need to take a good rest. Sometimes, having some comfortable me-time to sit quietly and relax, or go to a place where no one knows you to put down your burdens and have a holiday are good ways to take care of your inner self.


Effective Self-care Builds Confidence

Is our outward appearance important? Clinical experience shows that for many people, their confidence, relations with others, even their self-esteem and self-evaluation are affected by their physical appearance. For me, besides being neat, clean, and dressing well, maintaining the state of my skin is an important factor. Because I am busy with my work, I don’t have time for a complicated skin care routine. The most important factors for a skin care routine that I can keep up are that it must be simple, effective, and refreshing. To project a sincere, professional image that makes people comfortable, sometimes I need something more than the results of my psychotherapy. My best helper is CREEKHEAL’s HE& Double Protection Series which is especially designed for the skin of Asian males.