2019 Dermatest Guarantee Seal


「 The dermatological test performed by Dermatest on Amino Acids Hyaluronic Acid Skin Revitalizer under the control of dermatological specialists was passed for this product with the rating of „Excellent“」

恭喜「MED醫系列 胺基酸能量玻尿酸 Amino Acids Hyaluronic Acid Skin Revitalizer」通過德國肌膚敏感性測試權威 2019 Dermatest 人體肌膚檢測。

非常感謝 Dermatest的肯定,這次進階國際認證的作品是MED+醫系列

✓ 30 participants were involved.
✓ Tests were performed under occlusive conditions with a patch, which was removed 24 hours later.
✓ Irritation or sensitive reactions were observed in the participants at 48 hours and 72 hours.
✓ Received the Dermatest 〝Excellent〞 seal.